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The great gatsby american dream essay

The great gatsby american dream essay

the great gatsby american dream essay

Jun 03,  · American Dream in Great Gatsby. June 3, by Essay Writer. The Idea that Pervades Society The American dream is the longing of success that means a happy family and equal opportunity to go from rags to riches, through hard work. This idea is scene in a lot of places. On the picture by Margaret White, the poster proclaims: World’s Highest Standard of Feb 19,  · 19 February Life, liberty, individualism, the pursuit of happiness, and making yourself a fortune, the “American dream”. We all heard about the American dream from a young age and many of us dreamed of having it. We dreamed of being rich, famous, popular, being the most popular around, walking the walk and talking the talk, and for most of our lives, American Dream in The Great Gatsby. The American dream is an aspect that has always existed for a long time. People leave their countries to go to America, where they believe that they will get greener pastures. Most people often know that America is an ideal place to live and that they will have better employment opportunities while they are there

American Dream - The Great Gatsby Essay Sample, Words, 3 Pages ��| Studyfy

By essaysmasters. The idea of the American Dream is a part of a cultural association of American society. According to it, every developed and mature individual has a chance to fulfill his or her dream and achieve freedom, wealth, and happiness. Hereby, the essential components are perseverance, goal, and a belief that despite all difficulties, the great gatsby american dream essay will reach success. However, a modern society has transformed the pure ideals of the American dream into a strategy for achieving materialistic power at the expense of the moral and spiritual values. The author conveys the message that the old good American Dream is lost forever to people while being destructed by materialism. The evolution of the American Dream is represented through the life of a title character James Gatsby, who made all-out efforts to fulfill his dream.

Such character traits of him as a thirst for adventure, an ambition, and the hard work to accomplish it are closely connected with the qualities that are considered necessary to become an American hero. Gatsby worked hard on developing and improving himself because of his longing and love directed towards Daisy. Daisy has given James a purpose in life. She filled his existence with a constant meaning, from the moment he met her being a poor soldier to his last day when he waited for her in his huge the great gatsby american dream essay mansion even though she had already left him for a wealthy and quiet life with his husband Fitzgerald, Thus, Daisy was actually a symbol of everlasting hope for Gatsby, an incredible ambition that made him thirst for searching the opportunities to attain the dream.

It symbolized also his lodging for a wealthy life, acceptance, and happiness. As the light seemed to be so close and similarly, Gatsby seemed to be so close to fulfilling his dream. Actually, this green light shows the essence of the American Dream implying that no matter how much you have, you never feel complete. The hopelessness of the American Dream is reflected through the careless and wasteful life of the members of the upper society during the violent twenties. It is depicted through the eyes of Nick Carraway, a young man of a high moralistic attitude, who was still influenced by a rush of the wealthy life for a while. However, he has noticed that while being involved in hoping and striving for success, materialism overshadows such values as delicacy, honesty, and faithfulness.

As we can see, the established elite are shown as a group of heartless people who have sold their souls to achieve success. The ideal of a pure love shared with Daisy can set Gatsby apart from the upper class though he was in the epicenter of it when organizing his huge the great gatsby american dream essay parties. While being completely devoted to his romantic ideals, he knew no limits and no obstacles. Besides, the great gatsby american dream essay, his status is strikingly demonstrated in the scene when the police officer ignored his traffic violation. Gatsby has lost the pure traits of the American Dream because of focusing on its modern face.

Thus, Fitzgerald claims that the dehumanized society has no chance to survive. Moreover, after killing Gatsby, Wilson, who was a symbol of an average person, committed suicide. Wilson also strived for his own happiness while working hard though he did not possess traditional heroic traits that could bring him success. The deaths of the representatives of the both rich and poor classes symbolize the total destruction of the hopes associated with the American Dream, the great gatsby american dream essay. Therefore, while portraying events and personalities, Fitzgerald has used a lot of symbols in his novel. One more symbol is a contrast between the superior East Egg representing the established high class and West Egg representing people with the great gatsby american dream essay prosperity or without any means for living.

Perhaps because both Gatsby and Nick came from the Midwest and did not truly belong to the East Egg, Nick felt sympathy and showed compassion towards Gatsby though he knew the mystique truth about his background and his dishonest business. Although Gatsby had immersed in the materialistic and corrupted world, Nick realized that Gatsby was a good man in that wasteful society of East Egg. At the root of his tragedy, there is his self-destructive desire to obtain his major aim, Daisy, and to become her sole lover even at the expense of his moral principles and life.

Thus, money is the core word that may be the epitaph to the death of the American Dream. In case you have considered our essay sample a great piece of writing and you would like to get the similar one, you are welcome to order an essay from EssaysMasters. Home Literature and Languages The Great Gatsby Analysis Essay, the great gatsby american dream essay. Get a price quote, the great gatsby american dream essay. Type of your assignment Type of paper. Academic Level. Number of pages. ORDER Format Approx. Get additional. We provide. The Great Gatsby Analysis Essay. Academic level. Subject area. Number of sources. Professional US Writers. Cheap Prices. Deadline Meeting. Live Chat Order Now. Related articles Critical Essay on Frankenstein by Mary Shelley.

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The Great Gatsby and the American Dream

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American Dream in The Great Gatsby (Essay Sample)

the great gatsby american dream essay

idea of American Dream as presented by F. Scott Fitzgerald in the Great Gatsby novel involves rising from poverty or rags to richness and wealthy. The American Dream exemplifies that elements such as race, gender, and ethnicity are valueless as they do not influence the ability of an individual to rise to power and richness In the novel The Great Gatsby by Fitzgerald Grant, Gatsby’s true American dream is to be with the love of his life, Daisy. The American dream that Gatsby is chasing is a possibility in today’s world because Gatsby is chasing love, which doesn’t change throughout the Sep 22,  · The idea of the American Dream, is where qualities of hard work and ambition are revealed. The novel The Great Gatsby by Scott Fitzgerald embodies many themes; however the most compelling one relates to the corruption it in tales. The American Dream is defined as someone starting low on the economic or social level, and working hard towards prosperity

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