The different methods used to increase the perceived value of a service or product is defined as brand management in marketing.(blogger.com,) It is a career onto itself and every year thousands of students opt courses that teach them brand management in marketing. To certain extent globalization and the invention of the internet have been greatly responsible for the Mar 19, · Free Branding Essay Example. Type of paper: Essay. Topic: Business, Nation, Market, Products, Customers, Brand, Company, Marketing. Pages: 5. Words: Published: 03/19/ ORDER PAPER LIKE THIS. Brand is what makes a consumer identify and differentiate a certain product or services in the market. Hence, branding helps a business The essay will elaborate four key points regarding the development of a personal brand statement. One of the key issues that need to be considered during the development of a personal brand statement is the target audience
Are Brand Extensions Good or Bad? | Free Essay Example
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Not such a chess game, it is. It is a real time battle plan. The strategy conforms to be consistent, sustainable, decision-oriented, compatible with market brand essay, focused on competitors. Strategy has to be consistent with the business vision which can be defined as the future purposes and image of business. The human resource which is brand essay driver of strategy also has to be taken into account in terms of consistency in strategic plan. Every division has to be able to realize the right strategic operations in this consistency.
The communication between divisions in a corporate is a strategic advantage and necessary to brand essay the strategic conditions. After consistency, we can expect sustainability while applying strategic operations, brand essay. The experiments show is that strategy changing in the applying period is the big reason to lose. Due to this, once you have started with a strategy, you have to keep it on. Because a new strategy brings new attitudes and new structure for staff and brand essay along with itself. While strategy formulating, brand essay, the planner has to decisions take into account, brand essay. Because not structure of business but achieving goals has to play a key role to formulate the strategy.
The most important reason to formulate a strategy is self goal, brand essay. What business is going to gain with this strategy is the most important question. The first point is evident. The road consists of two points : Start and Last point. Market share is the individual percentage of a corporate of the whole sales in a market, brand essay. Market share mainly is determined by target group. Target group is a brand essay of consumers who the corporate brand essay products offer in a determinate market. Target brand essay must be good analyzed.
Their need, wishes, problems have to be known and the road to target has to get this through. Finally, strategy has to focus on competitors and their activities, operations in the market. The business set the strategy up with keeping the features and vulnerabilities of the concurrent brand essay mind. The features has to be examined because the business does not want to have worse features than the competitor. Nevertheless, the business have to offer a solution to the consumers new problems or create a new needs. To hinder the reputation failing of one product in a sector than others.
This image can be useful to brand essay a new product in a new operating market, brand essay. Because the consumer knows, experienced the quality, service and points of products of a firm, brand essay, he can easily count on a new product of the same firm. In terms of financial states, this strategy can be economical because of using one brand and expending all energy to one concept. In this concept, the products have a tight connection to each other. Every product creates a extended value for its provider. Every success of an individual product extends a value for its master brand.
If the concept is determined beforehand and same for every type of products, it would be easy to working on it for every division of the firm. The communication way is the image, emotional meanings of the product between divisions, not the function. That s why; the division without any extra energy can communicate and work consistent with each other. Of course, the corporate which follows branded house strategy has to take some disadvantages into account. For example ; If one product fails, it will be a negative effect for others because of the same brand name. The image can be damaged which results for whole products of the company. The company can not get high enough profit thus great enough market share for a product. Finally, The image is a thing which not be used for every concept.
If a company creates an image for electronic or high industry sector, brand essay, it will be difficult to operate in entertainment or tourism sector, brand essay. Think about Samsung : The needs, brand essay, values and parameters are brand essay for every sector, brand essay. That s why the companies formulating branded house strategy can not extend extremely to different sectors. House of Brands : By formulating this strategy, the company can be able to show itself as an expert in the sector because of using an apart brand, brand essay.
An apart brand means an apart meaning, an apart structure and an apart attention to the product. Consumer can isolate the master company and other products of it from the product and evaluate on this way. It can be chance to dominate the market. At least, the other product of the corporate can not be affected of this process. Finding or creating a new need can be useful to create a new market. therefore the market niche defines the specific product features aimed at satisfying specific market needs, brand essay well as the price range, production quality and the demographics that is intended to impact.
On the other hand, this strategy can be costly to the company. Because of advertisement for every products apart and creating apart images and functional advertisement brings a necessity brand essay the company have to expend apart energy for every products, apart staff, apart division? More labour and more energy means money. Distraction is inevitable, brand essay. Because even multitasking has maximum on 5 dimension working, brand essay. After 5, you get some difficulties to evaluate, manage something, brand essay. The connection of divisions is also problem because of other image, other need, other values, other parameters. For every product in every other market, divisions have to execute other task or process.
Which aspects are important to make a right choice for brand strategy? Firstly, brand essay, structure of company is important. Brand essay we explained, strategy has to brand essay consistent with the vision of the firm and feasible. To be feasible you have to take the structure and facilities of company into account. Secondly, the conditions of sector is also important. Because the competitors behavior and strategy can give an idea to formulate a right choice. If you operate in a market such a electronic or industry, brand essay, house of brands strategy can be nonsense.
For example, brand essay, generally the companies producing compatible products are using branded house because of the solidarity between the products. Computers chip is Dell. Then the consumer can feel confidence. But if we talk about the health sector, house of brands strategy is more useful because of showing the specialization and a new need. Finally; consumer behavior, emotional, rational, functional relationship between consumer and product has to be known by the company. This information can be useful to give an idea to formulate the strategy. If you know target and its need, you can be successful. Consequently, brand strategy is a necessary concept for every ambitious corporate.
Product entirely consists of its function and image which defines feelings in the eye of consumer. Brand strategy is helpful for the second dimension : feelings. If brand essay corporate wants brand essay be indispensable in the market, it has to focus on its brand strategy. Without confidence, experienced quality, image and emotional relationship with its buyer, a product can be changed by another product brand essay gives same function. With keeping the structure, vision of corporate and conditions of the market in the mind, the corporate has to formulate the right strategy. Related Papers Franchising Systems in the Retailing Sector By Ilan Alon. Brand essay Policy and Strategic Management By Dr, brand essay.
Malmarugan D.
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Brand Strategies: An Essay. Kutlu Taskin Tuna. Download PDF. Download Full PDF Package. This paper. A short summary of this paper. 7 Full PDFs related to this paper. Read Paper. Download PDF. Download Full PDF Package. Kutlu Taskin Tuna Bachelor TEW Brand Strategies Strategy is the art to use the conditions and opportunities in an optimal Nov 21, · We will write a. custom essay. specifically for you. for only $ $11/page. certified writers online. Learn More. According to analysts over 81percent of new products developed in the year depending on brand extensions. This means that the power of a known brand name can be utilized as an asset in terms of the established royalty The different methods used to increase the perceived value of a service or product is defined as brand management in marketing.(blogger.com,) It is a career onto itself and every year thousands of students opt courses that teach them brand management in marketing. To certain extent globalization and the invention of the internet have been greatly responsible for the
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