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Saving the environment essay

Saving the environment essay

The number of trees on the planet is lowering at a high speed. You must be logged in to post a comment. Commonly used bath soaps and detergents are highly insoluble in water and pollute drainage water. Environment refers to the conditions and surroundings in which we live, saving the environment essay. The need to save the environment requires urgency.

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There were written a lot of essays on environment protection saving the environment essay, how to save the environment and care for the environment. They all express disquiet of environmental issues, saving the environment essay. I want to share my ideas in how to save the environment essay, saving the environment essay. Sometimes people forget how we depend on nature and environment surrounding us. We spend mindlessly the resources given by nature and believe that they are unlimited. Over the last millennia the population on the planet grew immensely and our needs increase with every year.

We achieved great breakthrough in industry and other fields of production. But this growth resulted in poor environmental conditions. It seems that every our achievement and advancement only do damage to nature. We have been using natural resources thoughtlessly for many years. Once we exhausted one resource saving the environment essay started to use up another alternative. Have you ever thought what our life will be when coal and oil will come to the end? Plug-in hybrid vehicles are good solutions for the fuel crisis to come. We must reconsider our lifestyle we got used to. Simple rules will help you to save environment, keep fit and save money. These and other ideas will help to preserve environment and make life more sustainable.

The tips are not difficult to fulfill everyday. We must develop a habit to live frugally without excessive luxury. New generation will need new conditions to successfully survive in our deteriorating natural environment, saving the environment essay. The future catastrophes are not distant events, they happen here and now, saving the environment essay. We must raise new ecologically concerned generation to prevent possible problems. We have to take changes from ourselves and promote green living among rising generation. Nature gave us all necessary resources to live and prosper. Now it is in danger and needs our help.

What else we can do to protect environment? First of all this decisions must saving the environment essay made on governmental level and provide legal limitations for industries that emit a lot of greenhouse gases. We must unite together in order to protect the place we live in. People are an integral part of nature, we are dependent of it as we can not imagine our life without nature. So why to destroy environment and bite the hand that feeds you? We must stop deforestation and plant trees on cut down areas. Trees are natural filter of air that absorb carbon dioxide and produce oxygen, saving the environment essay.

Cutting down trees we deprive animals of their natural environment and the soil begin to grow in erosion. Planting trees will save birds and other animals. We often make forced choices that are advertised on TV. Manufacturers try to rise their profits and sell more products. Sometimes we have so many unnecessary things we do not saving the environment essay. Imagine that you are moving your house, what are the necessary items you may need to live, only several bags. In reality the matter is opposite.

There are a lot of things we do not use. People have to reconsider their views of life and promote healthy and ecologically friendly lifestyle. It is up to us to change situation for better and leave good legacy for generations to come. How to save the environment. Tips on How to Save the Environment For mind peace. Reviews Samples Blog About Us Contact Us. Homepage Samples. admin in Samples. com Overview There were written a lot of essays on environment protection essay, how to save the environment and care for the environment. Essay Sample Sometimes people forget how we depend on nature and environment surrounding us. You can decrease water usage by exploiting water-saving appliances, use baking soda and vinegar for cleaning your house, collect rainwater and recycle it.

Do not pollute water with chemicals and other contaminants. You can also take shorter showers and use low-flow showerheads. Conserve electricity. Turn off light in the rooms you are not in, unplug electronic appliances that are not in use. Change your regular bulbs to fluorescent or LED bulbs. Segregate your rubbish so that it could be easier to saving the environment essay. Use separate trash bags for metal cans, paper and plastic. Use public transport or carpool when going to work. Let your children take school bus instead of driving them to school by your own car.

When shopping pay attention to the manufacturers that use recyclable packaging. Do not use polythene bags and do not take additionally packed products as fruit and vegetables. Plant trees and join Greenpeace communities, be active in green movement and participate in their activities. Do not throw away garbage that can be recycled. Such things as batteries and cell phones contain hazardous pollutants. Do not turn on your heating system to high temperatures, you would rather dress better. Besides, you can sleep better when it is not very hot in your bedroom. Works cited How to save the environment. html Tips on How to Save the Environment For mind peace. From 8 votes. Next Read: Human Impact on the Environment Essay Sample », saving the environment essay.

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So if you want to save environment, you need to be prepared to put in the best of efforts. It is the cumulative effort over a collective period of time which can help the environment heal again. We already know that we must take action to save environment. It is also important to point out the types of action we must incorporate into our daily lives to keep our environment safe. The following are some of the steps that can lead to a better and safe environment:. Control electricity consumption — Most of the powers we consume are not from renewable energy sources. While the world would be better served by renewable energy sources, it would be prudent to control electricity consumption in the meantime.

To do this, we must curb wastage. Little acts like turning off the bulb would make a big difference in the long run. Consume less water — As the world population grows, water scarcity is becoming a profound problem. While scientific advances to solve the world water problem, more immediate action is needed for a safe environment. Thus, we must inculcate the habit of consuming less water through water conservation practices. Paper reduction — The paper we use comes from trees. These trees are cut down from their natural habitat leaving our environment exposed to the risk of global warming. To save our environment, we should embrace digital tools at our disposal and use less of paper.

By doing so, we would reduce the demand for paper which invariably leads to less tree cutting. Reuse — Most of the materials we use in our daily lives are not actual waste. They can be recycled and subsequently used for something else. Thus, when we use things such as plastic, elastic, metal and more, we should not simply throw those things away. With the right machinery and foresight, they can be turned to materials that translate into a safe environment. To conclude, living in a safe environment goes beyond the actions mentioned above. The extent of our involvement cannot be exhausted to one single article.

However, if we stay conscious of our environment and do not relent in taking steps that are pro-environment we would make our world a better place. Environment is the surrounding in which we live in. It is the natural habitat around us, which is essential for life to thrive in. It constitutes of air, water, soil, animals and human beings. We humans have a blind spot concerning the degree of dependence we have on our surroundings. Mindlessly, we build and industrialize our habitat in the name of advancement only to later realize that we have been destroying our surroundings all along. We still steadily go on with our reckless way of life without the slightest awareness of what we are doing to ourselves by destroying Mother Nature.

It is very important to understand and save our environment. The hash one reason for environment degradation is Urbanization. We cut down trees, lay roads and build buildings for our sophistication, without even thinking about the implications caused by our actions. In the process we completely destroy our natural surroundings and seal ourselves inside un-natural habitats called cities. With the birth of Industrial revolution, manufacturing processes have speeded up to a fraction of the time taken by its handmade counterparts. This has led to mass production which in turn has led to mass consumerism, and before we knew it, we became a consumer-oriented society. Today, almost every natural resource is polluted. Industries pollute our air with the harmful gases they exhale.

Automobiles have greatly contributed to air pollution by polluting it with harmful smoke they let out. Burning of plastics has resulted in the depletion of Ozone layer. Industries pollute our rivers and other water bodies by draining chemicals and oils into them. Commonly used bath soaps and detergents are highly insoluble in water and pollute drainage water. Our soils are polluted by excessive use of chemical fertilizers. Saving our environment and thereby ourselves is in the hands of each and every one of us. Small changes made to our everyday lifestyle are all we need to do to save environment. Metal scraps from old buildings can be recycled and used for producing new metal items.

Plastic recycling is another big solution. Paper and cardboard items can also be recycled into new products. Fossil fuels are depleting natural resources which cannot be renewed. Use of petroleum can be reduced by opting carpooling and cycling. Coal is another non-renewable resource used extensively in electricity production. Energy efficient light bulbs and solar cars reduce the use of such fuels. Plastic covers can be reused to minimize their production. Plastic containers can be reused and repurposed into potting for plants. Tires can be repurposed into building blocks. Every product has the capacity to be repurposed if we allow ourselves to see it with an open eye.

Going back to traditional agricultural practices will save our environment. By saving our environment we are only saving ourselves. This truth needs to sink deep into our hearts, which will cause our inner man to act responsibly to save our environment. The environment is the most valuable component of life because it enables the existence of living and non-living things. The environment is a vast source of resources like air, shelter, food and water. Living things are dependent on the environment for the continuation of life. The environment should be sacred and respected by all living things because of it is important for survival. However, the environment is not given the respect it deserves because there are several incidences on environmental pollution.

The pollution of environment contaminates all the resources required to sustain the life of living things and therefore the lives are affected negatively. The effects of environmental pollution have been serious and harmful. The environment needs to be saved from pollution so that the lives of living things can be saved from full destruction. Saving the environment begins by identifying the pollutants and trying to mitigate them. The causes of these pollutions need to be identified and then prevented as the damage that is already done is being repaired in order to restore the environment. The trends of environmental pollution have compromised the lives of animate objects on earth. The threat to life has forced living things to survive.

Survival is not possible for all organisms and therefore deaths have been experienced, which has to be prevented. Saving the environment will enable the nature to thrive again and reduce the survival needed. The environment will be back to its rich resourceful nature. Formulating strategies for unifying people to initiate the saving of the environment. Saving the environment is a collective responsibility that requires cooperation and collaboration from organizations, societies, governments and individuals so that an effort is realized. Global call should be made so that the project to save environment is initiated as a whole. Proper handling of waste materials should be done so that pollutants do not end up in the environment. The policy of recycling and reusing the recyclable and reusable wastes is a good way to save environment.

Another strategy is effective planning of the cities according to the resources that are available. Cities that are unplanned end up in environmental crisis because the population might rise beyond what the environment can support. Also, crowding causes environmental pollution because there will be clearing of natural trees in order to build houses for people to live in. Supporting of environmental programs by participating in activities aimed at saving the environment is another way to save environment. Change should be embraced with regard to environmental conservation e. In agriculture, it is recommended that organic fertilizers have to be used in order to minimize the amount of chemical washouts that end up in water bodies.

Planting of trees should be encouraged so that air pollution effects can be reduced because trees will replenish the air quality in the atmosphere and save environment. The environment has been greatly damaged and it requires a lot of effort to restore it. The superpowers of the world are boasting high on their technological innovations, but they seem helpless in tackling environmental affairs efficiently. The environment constitutes the soil, trees, animals, flora and fauna. It comprises plants, air, water, sunlight and the dynamism in eco-system. We cannot imagine living on this planet earth without environmental sustainability.

There is a dire need of saving the environment, especially when the humungous urbanisation activities are taking place. Trees are being cut down mercilessly and the concentration of toxic gases are poisoning the planet. The heavy presence of Methane gases, as well as Cholorofloro Carbons, have massively lead to the depletion of Ozone Layer, which resulted in Acid rain and Skin Cancer in many areas on the planet. At such crucial juncture, the inspirational speech of Greta Thunberg on Save Environment and other environmental activists should be taken into utmost consideration. This essay on save environment can help you in the PTE Writing Essay, TOEFL Essay Topics and TOEFL Sample Essays!

As human beings, we exist because of environmental support. Had there be no air, no freshwater, no other natural resources, our existence would have been impossible. It is because of innumerable trees around us, we are able to breath fresh air. We eat when the process of photosynthesis takes place in plants. We are living comfortably in our habitats when there the food chain in the ecosystem is properly maintained. Delhi is the best example of poor air quality that engulfed the capital city last year. It happened due to the presence of toxic gases emitting from industrial units and countless vehicles. The poor air quality has forced to change the vehicular movement strategy which resulted in massive human sufferings and hardships.

We have so many examples from the northernmost belt of India, where the massive soil erosion is washing away residential areas away in a harsh deluge. Such conditions arise when trees are being uprooted mercilessly. It is the time when we have to Save Environment from further degradation. It is the time when human beings have to utilise their collective consciousness towards environmental sustainability and refrain using those resources and products which causes environmental degradation Sample Essay 3 on Save Environment Essay on Save Environment. We have mesmerizing landscapes and breathtaking water bodies which constitute a great contribution to fresh air and houses various species of animals and aquatic life.

But, the unfortunate part is the rise of humungous plastic pollutions which lead to a disastrous impact on environmental change. Other than a climatic change, plastic pollution posing a massive threat to the environment, it is affecting not only the quality of soil but affecting the aquatic life as well. It would grow more alarmingly if concrete steps are not being taken at the right time; it is sure that we may lose water bodies at a vast scale. Same is the case with the excessive usage of Carbon gases in the environment which is causing the depletion of the Ozone layer in the Stratosphere. Joseph Farman first time discovered the ozone depletion over the South Pole. Its depletion has caused acid rains in many parts of the globe as well as skin diseases.

Moreover, a lot of trees are being cut down daily for construction and other purposes to cater to the short term needs of human. Everyone is competing with each other to make more money. This greedy and selfish behavior of humans is making the environment suffer. However, if we start growing more trees and avoid cutting them, it can help improve the quality of the environment. The government must also launch specific programs to prevent deforestation around the world. We need to have control over soil erosion, landslides, and floods to improve the living conditions for humans. The soil can also be conserved by planting trees and afforestation.

We can also use natural fertilizers and encourage terrace farming to make a positive change in the environment. Moreover, there should be proper disposal of waste material around the world to protect the environment. It would help keep the air fresh and healthy for humans, animals, and plants. Both the government and individuals should play an active role in maintaining the streets, lands, and toilets to keep them clean. If we implement all the effective ways to save the environment, we can get rid of pollution and global warming.

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