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Business essay writing

Business essay writing

The basic idea is that when the price for an item is low, more significant consumers will want it because they can easily afford it. Bespoke All work is written to order. doc linear-note-taking. Although the team was excited to accept the offer, I was concerned that we were not prepared to complete the project so quickly. Don't have an Account? From ABC Business School, I business essay writing the tools and resources needed to further engage in my marketing knowledge, perform professional strategic analyses, and re-evaluate my past work experiences. Check Now, business essay writing.

Example of a student's essay and lecturer’s feedback

Business essays are a common type of task these days, business essay writing. Ones on the topics that are directly related to the industry are a favorite assignment of all professors. So academicians want to teach the students a complete sense of modern businesses and the procedures involved in various fields of it. Start your business essay with a clear indication of the business field. Lead the discussion towards your thesis statement. Build the body of your essay with parts taken from the thesis statement, business essay writing. Sum up the entire contents of the paper in a way that the reader gets the gist of message in conclusion.

A business essay, as the name indicates, is an essay business essay writing discusses any issue related to the enterprising. Business is an operation or way of doing trade. Things that are necessarily included in every business essay are:. All these points are discussed in the essay in a very structured way so you can indicate a logic and flow in the paper. Ideas are synthesized and organized in a way that their connection is evident, business essay writing, and one point leads to the other. The essay has a purpose and a target audience. The writing is adjusted to match the aim and needs of readers. The most important section of a business essay is an introduction. This is the part that will catch readers attention in the paper.

The most significant aspect of a good start is business essay writing topic. You may have two ways to get a theme — either your instructor decides on it for you or you are given a choice business essay writing develop your own. The second case is preferable as you get an opportunity to write on the issue you are interested in. A good essay has a defined and logical structure and evidence business essay writing support all ideas in it. Business essay writing contained in it is genuine and written in a way that makes it easily understandable for the readers. So first of all, pay attention to the essay prompt and the requirements of your teacher. Secondly, draw information from reputable sources.

Thirdly, check it properly before submitting for all kinds of mistakes. As you may write in a hurry, there can be grammar mistakes or misspelled words in the file. You need to have a layout and approach in mind before you start writing, business essay writing. Here are some business essay tips to get you set in the right direction:. Read more: 30 Business Essay Topic Ideas. In any business essay definition of business is very important. Tell the readers right in the beginning which trade or field is the writing about. Try to research it well and interpret in your own words in the beginning.

After that, business essay writing, give the background of the topic in two to three lines, and direct the writing towards the thesis statement. Try to divide the body of the essay into three parts unless you have different guidelines from the teacher. There should be five paragraphs in total — one for introduction, three for the body-section, and the last one for the conclusion. The end of your essay is no less important than the start. Try to put your suggestions or recommendations there. The outline should be based on five parts, business essay writing, as explained above. End your introduction with a thesis statement. Read it carefully and disintegrate into three points, that are equally important, weighty, and relevant to the topic.

Build your topic sentences from those three points and place them at the beginning of your body paragraphs. The first statement of the conclusion should be rephrased thesis. No matter how well it is written, business essay writing, if there is a lack of balance between the various sections of the piece, the whole exercise may be deemed redundant. The right structure contains an introduction, body, and conclusion. You have to make the audience aware of preexisting knowledge about your business-related issue, and take the discussion from that point on to craft your essay. It is not a big work actually, but the whole paper depends on this information. So take sufficient time to finalize the best topic, and research it business essay writing to know all the surrounding information, business essay writing.

The body consists of paragraphs with topic sentences as their first lines. Pay special attention to finding references for each point. Begin it with a rephrased thesis statement. Briefly mention all relevant points discussed in the body section. Leave a message to the readers with recommendations or points to ponder. Writing business essay writing essays can present specific challenges to you. Even though this article provides you such detailed information about business essays that educates you on ways to successfully deal with all those challenges, you still have us for further help.

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Be consistent. The authors point out that monitoring may also expose employers to legal challenges as covert surveillance is strictly regulated in Australia , p. Where is the quotation? Lecturer's comment: This is a very clear topic sentence that summarises the main message of the paragraph. The effect of this is that your reader can easily follow the logic of your essay's argument and structure. Gilbert argues that a total prohibition of personal use of email is unreasonable. For example, personal use of email to inform family members or child care workers about unexpected overtime is acceptable.

Kiser et al. Trust can be maintained by communicating clear policies for email use and employees are more likely to trust the process of email monitoring and feel that their privacy is respected if policies are transparent and well-constructed Kiser et al. However, employees need to be mindful that any personal or private use of email is communicated electronically through company systems and any private email can potentially become public. The blurring of boundaries between personal and private use of company email has created a significant challenge for employers and employees. One Australian university professor became painfully aware of this when his private email to another colleague was leaked, leading to his suspension McNeilage, Lecturer's comment: This is a somewhat facile argument.

The lesson from this example is surely more along the lines of avoiding inappropriate communication at work altogether, rather than monitoring email in the workplace. A reasonable approach to managing email is one that considers all stakeholders, including employees. If employers wish to monitor email it rests with them to overcome the disadvantages posed by ineffective, unethical and unreasonable methods of email monitoring. Covert monitoring followed by dismissal cannot be considered a reasonable method of controlling employee email use. In one case brought before the Fair Work Commission FWC a decision of unreasonable monitoring was made because employees were not aware they were being monitored.

The email was sent from a home computer and from a personal email address. The three employees were dismissed following the installation of a software filter on the Australia Post email system that detected the content. This case demonstrates the importance of monitoring being accompanied by an effective policy. Lecturer's comment: A salient and relevant example. Organisational IT policy also played a significant role in the outcome of two cases of alleged misuse of email, featuring Channel 7 and the Queensland Department of Education.

The outcome was quite different in the Queensland Department of Education case, in which a teacher sought to become a union representative. Managers in organisations need to take a considered approach to drafting and implementing IT policies. They also need to be more active in foreseeing and preventing potential problems of email misuse. The key management functions of planning, organising, leading and controlling need to be comprehensively incorporated into email monitoring for monitoring to be considered a reasonable strategy. Managers should take a proactive role in controlling potential email misuse by explaining the purpose of email monitoring and how it can protect all stakeholders in the organisation, including employees Kiser et al.

Lecturer's comment: Most of your in text citations appear mid-paragraph and even mid-sentence. Well done!. Managers could work in teams with employees to co-construct suitable and transparent IT policies. When breaches are detected, employees could be cautioned rather than being summarily dismissed. Lecturer's comment: as cited in. In the case involving the post office employees, no planning was undertaken by the employer to ensure employees were fully aware of policy, aware of surveillance tools and aware of the consequences of breaches to IT policy. There was no consistently organised method for responding to breaches and no leadership was shown by front line managers in modelling the appropriate use of email.

The technological advances of IT have enabled improvements in productivity, yet misuse can also bring significant risks to employers and employees alike. Misuse of email can lead to job insecurity for employees and legal disputes that take company resources away from employers. At the heart of the confusion surrounding appropriate workplace email communication lays Lecturer's comment: lies. It is important for managers to get things right at all levels of implementation of IT policy in the organisation. Managers need to proactively plan, organise, lead and control email use within the company.

If monitoring of employee email is purposeful, transparent, well-planned, effectively organised, reinforced by effective leadership, and controlled with consideration of all company stakeholders, including employees, then it can be reasonable. Lecturer's comment: Final comments: This is a generally well-structured piece of writing that is clearly well-planned and makes good use of both recommended and independently sourced literature. If I was forced to find a criticism I would say that the examination of the argument against monitoring workplace email is somewhat lacking in depth. There are significant ethical and human rights-related issues that remain unexplored in your argument. However, for the purposes of this assessment task, you have made a bright start to academic writing.

One area that needs significant improvement, however, is your referencing. There are numerous inconsistencies and errors below. Much more attention to detail is needed. Keep striving! Home Courses Monash Online Library Donate. Previous menu Toggle navigation. analysis Description vs. Why is academic integrity important? What is academic integrity? How can I study with integrity? Test your understanding Test your understanding Find out more Find out more Case note assignment Case note assignment Case note assignment Understanding case notes and marker expectations Understanding case notes and marker expectations Identifying the elements of a case note Identifying the elements of a case note Finding materials Finding materials Analysing materials Analysing materials Better writing Better writing Summary Summary Medicine, Nursing and Health Sciences Medicine, Nursing and Health Sciences Medicine, Nursing and Health Sciences Health Sciences case report Health Sciences case report Reflective writing and critical incidents Reflective writing and critical incidents Writing the comparative report Writing the comparative report Writing in Psychological Medicine Writing in Psychological Medicine Writing in Psychological Medicine 1.

Case history 1. I can communicate effectively with all members of a group and help connect them with one another to make a larger picture. I protect my business discernment even against an upset crowd, and am able to properly persuade others to understand other perspectives. Through learning more about leadership every day with my work in Zoelle, I hope to continue to strengthen these abilities and witness the success they can bring to media production. In this essay, the applicant was asked to detail her leadership abilities through the application of a relevant example. She was asked to do this in approximately words, using concise language and proper grammar and punctuation. I looked across my celebratory cheesecake and beamed up at my new coworkers.

I couldn't believe I had finally landed my dream job. All of the senior editors were having lunch in the cafe across the street from the bakery where the finance team and marketing team shared dessert. I had been hired as a budget analyst at my favorite magazine. My job was to work alongside the business manager to help create a more healthy marriage between the finance and marketing departments, thus improving our sales and workplace environment. On my way home, I reflected on my relief in finally having an exciting and secure career. Just three months later, we met at the same bakery where I had celebrated my new job. Every department from our small, close-knit staff was present. As the publication manager began to tell us the news, I remember how our faces fell.

Our publication company was going out of business, and every publication was to be shut down. She explained that they had tried to find another publishing company without success. Not only did I feel as though I failed the company, I also knew that I, as well as the other 17 employees, was out of a job. We went back to our offices and packed up our things. Writers and designers were frantically calling around, asking for open positions. An employee from the finance department began tweaking his resume, and the marketing department apologized to the publication manager and editor-in-chief, who responded graciously. I had to leave my apartment not long after losing my job.

I stayed with a friend on the north side of town as I tried to find a job in a shrinking economic suburb. It took six months to find a position, and though I had to move and leave behind my dream, I found a new way to work toward my new dream. From this experience, I learned the importance of adaptability. Only through my ability to embrace the change happening around me was I able to find a new job and start a new life with new visions and goals. Applying for my MBA would have sounded bizarre to the disheartened, homeless idealist who lost her dream. But now, after finding in me the strength to persevere, I am able to take what I learned from my previous job and pair it with what I learn from the university.

This knowledge will help me ensure that the future companies I work with will not have to endure a similar fallout. However, if there comes a time when I am again involved in a lost company, I know how to repair. I know how to restore. In this essay, the applicant was asked to recall a challenging situation to which the writer overcame the boundaries. The writer was asked to do this in approximately words, using concise language and proper grammar and punctuation. During commercial breaks, an older gentleman known as Mattress Mack would dominate all 24 inches of my cartoon box with his signature hundred-mile-per-hour pitch, reserved for sputtering off the praises of American-made furniture sold at affordable prices. Mattress Mack reigned as a household favorite in the Greater Houston area; in fact, my cousin and I made games out of memorizing his lines and spitting them out as fast as we could whenever his ads came on TV.

At that time, Mack invested his entire life savings in a single ad that aired on two stations. Mack's unique re-branding has taught me to recognize the value of bootstrapping and developing creative solutions to solve problems. Beyond his unorthodox sales strategies, Mack also had a heart that was truly the size of Texas. While most of us worried solely about our own survival, Mack opened his two biggest showrooms and provided food to those who needed it most. His heroic actions eventually earned him his own day, August 26th, appropriately named Mattress Mack Day. He has inspired Houstonians just like me to pursue entrepreneurship opportunities that put social focus on the forefront. As Harvey pummelled through the Gulf Coast, I noted the amount of devastation the hurricane has caused for our local automotive industry.

This sparked an idea. As a passionate watchmaker and a car enthusiast, I partnered with my co-founder to create one-of-a-kind wristwatches from wrecked supercars with stories to match. A portion of each sale would then be donated to Habitat for Humanity to rebuild communities affected by natural disasters. My dream came to fruition, and over the last two years, the work I did has gained the attention of Mayor Turner, Capital One Bank, and various other notable individuals and organizations across Texas, Florida, Switzerland, and the UK. His ability to see equal importance in their lesser-noticed counterparts -the people his business serves and the community he resides in- are what sets him apart from traditional bosses as a truly effective leader. His actions have taught me that marrying unconventional problem-solving skills to a strong moral code is the key to greater personal success.

Fuqua was the first business school I visited at the beginning of my application journey. No one in my family has ever attended college, let alone business school, so my visit opened a new world of opportunity for me. For these reasons, I am seeking a spot in the entering class of Post MBA, I plan to work as a Product Manager in an innovative digital healthcare company focused on using technology to transform patient care. Specifically, I would like to work in wireless tech and data analytics focused on chronic disease management similar to Twine Health, a platform integrated into patients' Fitbits to monitor diabetes-related vitals. I look forward to contributing to this community through my perspective in healthcare consulting as well as my experience in the health insurance marketplace.

By participating in the HCC, I will leverage the insight from 2nd year students as I navigate the healthcare recruiting process during HCC life line sessions. In time, I hope to return the favor by helping new students navigate recruitment, coursework, and life in Durham. Particularly, I am excited to gain valuable insight into the healthcare industry through programming coordinated by HCC such as the Duke MBA Health Care Conference and panel discussions throughout the year. HCC will not only provide me the knowledge and professional aptitude for a meaningful career in the healthcare sector, but will also grant me a life-long network of Fuqua healthcare leaders.

As a cross country athlete in high school and college, I look forward to exploring the Raleigh-Durham area and sharing my love of running. Beyond my involvement in the Fuqua healthcare community, I also plan to join BLMBAO. It is very important for me to be part of a collective of leaders of color that empower each other to reach their full potential in business. For this reason, I am interested in joining the leadership cabinet of BLMBAO and shaping events such as the MBA Minority Business Conference. For example, as a Fellow and alumna of MLT, I will commit myself to building a pipeline for Latina prospective Fuqua MBA students. This will include holding workshops that focus on the application process and challenges specific to Latinas in management. In the end, Duke is the ideal place for me to become the business leader I know I can be.

A Fuqua MBA will give me the opportunity to learn, grow, and lead among lifelong friends.

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